May Night Salvia

Salvia ‘May Night’

Zones 3 - 8

Quickly reaches 18 to 24 in. tall and wide.

Outstanding cultivar. Splendid deep blue-violet flower spikes on a compact, mounding plant throughout the summer. PPA plant of the year 1997. All garden salvias are reliable, long-lived and very attractive to bees and butterflies. Blooms all summer.

Tall spikes of indigo blue flowers top compact mounds of soft, green foliage. This showy perennial is excellent for mixed borders, flower beds and patio containers. Thrives in areas where spring and summer nights remain cool. An herbaceous perennial.

Salvia are excellent, easy-to-grow plants for a summer show of intense color. Salvia perform best in full sun. A real heat lover; they respond well to shearing after blooming to prompt fresh foliage and blooms.

CARE: After blooming, cut down to basal growth, as new growth will be more appealing. May flop if given too rich soil or excessive shade.


Kelsey Dogwood


Mönch Hybrid Aster