Moonshine Yarrow

Achillea Moonshine

Zones 3 - 9

Deer and rabbit resistant

Easy to grow; low maintenance

Full sun

18" tall 24" wide

Bloom time: Early to late summer

Moonshine Yarrow (Achillea Moonshine) is an outstanding selection with silver-gray foliage and flat-topped flowers of lemon-yellow flowers that cover the plant all summer. A sterile, non-reseeding variety.

18" tall x 24" wide One of the best garden perennials.It can be used in both xeric and non-xeric perennial borders, as it is highly adaptable in its soil and water needs. Achillea Moonshine's distinctive silver-gray foliage is a fine backdrop for the lemon-yellow flower clusters that keep coming all summer. Deadhead in summer; cut back in spring. Salt Tolerant. In NW the foliage is ¾ evergreen.


Mönch Hybrid Aster


Mount Vernon English Laurel